You or your child has a high temperature with a cold! Do not rush to reduce it. This is often useless.

An article about why a high temperature is good for colds and other infections.

Many people, if their temperature rises during an illness, rush to lower it. It would seem justified. Fever (high temperature during infections) is usually accompanied by unpleasant symptoms: weakness, heat, malaise, body aches, headache, etc. And yet, in many cases, not bringing down a high temperature is wise. Nature “invented” fever (high temperature during an infection) for a reason. What does a high temperature during a cold give the body? Here’s what:

1.. suppresses the growth of infection (in particular, it restrains the reproduction of bacteria and the replication of viruses, because many microbes cannot withstand high temperatures).

2.. activates immune cells that fight infection (the so-called cellular immunity improves).

3.. increase the production of antibodies (improves the so-called humoral immunity).

4.. accelerates the production of heat shock proteins, which enhance the protective properties of cells at the site of infection.

5.. increases the production of interferon (a substance that inhibits the growth (or rather replication) of viruses.

6.. makes the blood more fluid, which improves the delivery of blood to the site of infection.

7.. accelerates the production of chemotactic substances, thanks to which other immune cells are “attracted”.

Here, high temperature acts as a kind of general alarm signal for the whole body!But someone might also think: “What’s wrong with removing the fever?” It (the fever) torments a person. Unfortunately, an uncontrolled reduction in high temperature does not allow the body to start its immunity to the required extent. And because of this, various types of complications are possible with a cold. For example, with the flu, if you bring down the fever, then a number of complications may arise, such as: influenza pneumonia or influenza bleeding (a terrible condition!!!).If you observe a fever (high temperature) in a patient, do not rush to bring it down. Consult a doctor, consult. Sometimes some doctors remember that they are doctors. Be reasonable, and healthy.

The dangers and complications of abuse of seemingly simple paracetamol

Paracetamol overdose poses significant dangers, primarily leading to **liver failure**, which can be fatal. Symptoms may not appear immediately; often, patients experience nausea and abdominal pain after 24 hours. Severe complications can include **kidney failure**, **hypoglycemia**, and **metabolic acidosis**. In cases of massive overdose, symptoms may escalate to confusion, jaundice, and even coma. Timely treatment with N-acetylcysteine can mitigate liver damage if administered within eight hours of ingestion; otherwise, the risk of severe outcomes increases dramatically[1][2][3].


[1] Paracetamol Overdose: Symptoms and Treatment –

[2] Paracetamol poisoning – Wikipedia

[3] Paracetamol – uses, side effects and how to take it | healthdirect

A simple incandescent lamp is your mini doctor, always at hand

Do you catch a cold, do you often feel tired, do you have pain?! Then use a regular incandescent lamp to improve your condition. An incandescent lamp is a good addition to the main treatment, and sometimes it can completely replace medication. In addition, you do not need to go to the doctor for a prescription, and then go to the pharmacy for medications and do not need to make any preparations to take medications. You just need to connect the lamp to electricity and illuminate the place that hurts or suffers from the disease, for example, the nose with a runny nose. Illuminate the skin surface with an incandescent lamp for no more than 15 minutes per session and at a distance of the lamp from the skin when you feel comfortable warmth, not heat. The best lamp option is 60 watts. Do not forget to consult a doctor about contraindications. We wish you good health.

Plantar fasciitis as a result of ill-fitting shoes

What is plantar fasciitis? It is a degenerative-inflammatory disease of the plantar aponeurosis. Unfortunately, it is a fairly common disease.And a common cause of plantar fasciitis is uncomfortable shoes. The approximate mechanism of plantar fasciitis is as follows: because of uncomfortable shoes, the plantar aponeurosis experiences loads, where microtraumas appear at the aponeurosis at the attachment points to the bones, which subsequently degenerate and become inflamed. All this initiates pain. There is also an additional risk factor, due to which planetary fasciitis occurs. This is a sharp transition to loads on an “unwarmed up” foot. Nowadays, many people lead a sedentary lifestyle. For example, a programmer sits at a computer all day long, and then there is a need to lift something sharply, and the shoes are uncomfortable. This combination is more likely to damage the plantar aponeurosis.Treatment of the disease. Treatment is best done under the supervision of a doctor.Prevention. To do this: 1. First of all, choose comfortable shoes. Shoes should not be tight. The shoe bed (where the plantar surface of the foot lies) should be elastic. Often, many do not pay attention to the fact that the shoe bed has some bumpiness. Unevenness (i.e. bumpiness) of the shoe bed creates stress points on the aponeurosis, due to which these places of the aponeurosis are injured.In general, be healthy and take care of your feet.

The foot is important, although it seems like a simple part of the body

Any problem with the leg affects walking in one way or another, and a problem with the feet manifests itself in particular. The feet are important for their functions. Among all the functions of the foot, we will highlight three basic ones:

1,, support. The support function of the foot manifests itself when we either stand or walk. The foot is a kind of foundation for the body. We can say that the foundation is the same as the building.

2,, shock-absorbing. This function manifests itself only when moving. We can just walk, we can run, or we can jump. And did you know that the foot “absorbs” at least 50% of the impact force during movement. That is, the remaining 50% is absorbed by: knees, pelvis, spine. Now imagine that problems have arisen in the feet, then the same knees, pelvis and spine will begin to experience additional stress. By the way, “bad” feet are one of the factors contributing to arthrosis in the joints of the legs.

3,, pumping. This function manifests itself somewhat indirectly: the calf muscles are activated through the foot. And the calf muscles act as some kind of pumps that improve the outflow of venous blood and lymph.

In order for the feet to perform their functions properly, the feet need care. Yes, yes, care: the same as for teeth, skin, hair, nails. With a bunch of things to do, we, people, do not notice how we “spoil” our feet. We either overload them or underload them. Overload is caused by: excess weight, uncomfortable shoes, exercises without preparation. We underload them by not moving enough. And the feet need to be regularly “wake up” with special “foot” exercises (any exercises that set parts of the foot in motion), and also massaged and kneaded with the fingers.

Bloating as a cause of arterial hypertension

Oddly enough, bloating itself can contribute to high blood pressure. Bloating occurs for a number of reasons. These may include: neuroses; nutritional disorders; gastrointestinal diseases; changes in intestinal microflora; endocrine diseases. Let’s consider how bloating can initiate an increase in blood pressure. Bloating is the formation and accumulation of certain gases in the intestinal cavity as a result of putrefactive fermentation processes. In addition to bloating, edema and spasms may occur in the intestinal walls. Swollen intestinal loops begin to squeeze nearby organs due to accumulated gases. And at times, swollen intestinal loops can reach the kidney area, then it (the “gas” intestine) can mechanically affect the kidneys. And the pressure force of the “gas” intestine can be so strong that it bends the renal artery. At some point, the blood volume may not be enough for the needs of the kidney tissue. Hence, in order for the kidney to be able to receive blood in sufficient volume, then the body begins to increase blood pressure. The physiological phenomenon of increased blood pressure can be seen in this article .

As you may have guessed, if you eliminate bloating, then you can return blood pressure to normal. Well, approximate recommendations on what to do:

  • Find the main cause of bloating.
  • In any case, you will need to adjust your diet
  • It would be a good idea to find a visceral therapist who could massage the abdominal organs.

Why the body can increase blood pressure (a little physiology).

The human body can be considered a complex system that actively interacts with the environment. The body has two main tasks, not counting other, minor tasks, these are: to survive as an individual and to produce offspring. This article will focus more on the connection with the first task: “to survive as an individual”. The body has to adapt to the environment all the time. And yet, there are processes in the body that must have certain parameters. That is, the values of certain parameters should not go beyond certain indicators. For example, the level of glucose in the blood. Now let’s ask ourselves a number of questions. Why does the body decide to raise blood pressure at a certain point? Is the body trying to normalize some blood parameters by increasing pressure? What is blood in a metaphorical sense? Blood is transport. It always carries something: it brings what is needed to the organs and takes away what is used from the organ. A number of studies show that the body’s organs are most sensitive to such a blood parameter as: the amount of oxygen delivered to the organ per unit of time (if expressed more academically: the volume of oxygen per gram (or milliliter) of the organ per minute). In turn, among the organs there are those that are most demanding of the level of oxygen in the blood. These include: the brain, kidneys, thyroid gland and others. So, if, say, the brain for one reason or another (this can be compression of the artery from the outside or partial blockage of the artery by an atherosclerotic plaque) does not receive the required amount of oxygen, then it is quite possible that the body increases blood pressure in order to thereby deliver the required amount of oxygen to the brain. In general, there is something to think about.

What makes reading in a foreign language useful and how can you make such reading attractive no matter how old you are?(Not about medicine)

Why do people brush their teeth every day, although there is no particular appeal to it? I believe that a person does something on a regular basis when he realizes the importance and usefulness of this action.It is no secret that many of us who study a foreign language, over time, begin to abandon the study of the LANGUAGE. Let’s see how reading can also be attractive to us. Let’s get straight to the point.What can reading in a foreign language give us that is useful:

1,) Mastering the language itself.

2,) “Absorbing” information from the text we read.

3,) Training the brain.

4,) Understanding the culture and mentality of other peoples.

5,) Developing social perspectives.

6,) Access to thematic literature in the language you are studying.

1,) mastering the language. From regular reading, we get used to the language; we comprehend the logic of constructing phrases and using words in certain cases. From frequent reading of similar texts we begin to notice patterns and stereotypes of some phrases. For example: “If condition “A” is fulfilled, then we will get result “B””.

2,) “Absorption” of information from the text we read. It is not for nothing that they say: “You become like the people you hang out with”. We are filled with the information we let in one way or another. Therefore: if you want to know more about economics, read about economics; if you want to know more about hares, read more about hares.

3,) Brain training. Reading texts in a foreign language is quite a difficult task in some cases. Therefore, conscious reading of unfamiliar texts is like learning new skills. And what is the development of a new skill from a physiological point of view? This is the formation of new associative connections between neurons in the brain. This simultaneously trains memory and improves, so to speak, the cognitive “strength” of our consciousness.

4,) understanding the culture and mentality of other peoples. Another language cannot be considered simply as a means of communication between people. Another language can be considered as a certain part of the worldview of the speakers of this language. For example, for sedentary peoples, a horse is characterized by a couple of words, and for nomadic peoples, a horse is almost a whole world with a bunch of gradations.

5,) developing social prospects. Mastering a foreign language gives you more opportunities to get a good job. You have more opportunities to make new acquaintances: both for work and for personal purposes. It allows you to better adapt in those countries where the speakers of the language you are studying live and where you went as a tourist.

6,) access to thematic literature in the language you are studying. This quality is most useful for specialists of different professions. For example, for doctors, engineers, designers and others.

How to implement all this in practice?

A. For the young. Youth is characterized by ambition, prospects, setting big goals. If you as a young person have nevertheless decided to study a foreign language, then it is better to combine business with pleasure. For example, you are studying to be a programmer. You can do it this way: get hold of several books on programming and read the chapters that are most interesting and useful to you in your opinion. You will master the language and learn about programming (at least something will stick in your head). Interest is a good motivator: in this case, there is a very small chance that you will give up reading.

B. For the elderly. Old age is, unfortunately, also a high probability that a person already has some diseases. If an elderly person is studying a foreign language, then why shouldn’t he read medical literature on a specific disease in the language he is studying?! Double benefit. In general, approximate guidelines are given. Go for it.

Some facts that can be considered as some oddities of osteoarthritis (arthrosis).

We, people, in the routine of our daily lives sometimes do not notice obvious things. I believe this can happen to doctors too.In this article, we will consider a number of things related to osteoarthritis (arthrosis), which suggest that the clinical manifestations of arthrosis in some things contradict the theory of the occurrence of arthrosis. Let’s list some of the reasons that, according to researchers, lead to the formation of osteoarthritis.

Here they are:

  • Excess weight,
  • Age,
  • Injuries,
  • Excessive loads.

It would seem that these reasons are quite logical. In this regard, let’s consider some oddities that are observed with osteoarthritis.

  1. Osteoarthritis (arthrosis) does not always occur in those who are overweight. But osteoarthritis can also occur in those who may be underweight, that is, in fairly thin people.
  2. Osteoarthritis can affect a joint on only one side. For example, in obese people, either the right or left knee joint may be affected by osteoarthritis. Although it is quite natural that both knee joints should be affected, since excess weight in an obese person, according to modern medicine, is one of the causes of arthrosis, and both knee joints should bear the load equally.
  3. Damage to the overlying joint, although the underlying joint logically experiences more load. For example, the knee joint is quite often affected by arthrosis, but the ankle joint is relatively rare, although it is lower in level than the knee joint.
  4. Damage to the arthrosis of the finger joints. At the same time, the finger joints do not bear the gravitational load, as is the case with the joints of the leg.
  5. The presence of severe pain in the affected joint with the external preservation of the joint and, conversely, mild pain when the joint is already severely deformed.
  6. Weak effect from the use of non-specific anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), although it is believed that osteoarthritis has an inflammatory component.
  7. 00. This may sound a bit harsh. But I believe that modern medicine is looking in the wrong direction regarding osteoarthritis: current treatment protocols, unfortunately, do not prevent the progression and complications of arthrosis. Let us wish our medical scientists to be more open to new views and attentive.

A regular incandescent lamp as an assistant-healer against osteoarthritis

People have used light to improve their condition since time immemorial. For example, the ancestors of today’s Slavic peoples would undress almost naked and expose themselves to the rising sun when they had a number of illnesses. Professional light therapy has been actively used since the second half of the 19th century. For example, the great popularizers of light therapy were: Danish doctor Niels Finsen, American doctor John Kellogg, Russian doctor Anatoly Minin. By the way, the light device developed by the Russian doctor began to be produced in the USSR and was called the “Minin” reflector. It gave good results for many illnesses, as well as for joint diseases. The healing properties of a conventional incandescent lamp are due to its light characteristics, in particular, the presence of a particular spectrum of light and its intensity. If we delve into the physical characteristics of the light emitted by an incandescent lamp, this light lies in the following range: 380-750 nanometers of the visible spectrum and 750-1500 nanometers of the infrared spectrum. In terms of intensity, about 50% of the lamp’s power emits infrared rays. This explains why an incandescent lamp can be very hot and even burn.

The effects of the light emitted by an incandescent lamp are as follows:

  • anti-inflammatory,
  • pain-relieving,
  • relaxing,
  • energizing (in relation to mitochondria),
  • antispasmodic (in relation to muscles),
  • improving microcirculation (in relation to capillaries).

Practical use of an incandescent lamp at home:

  1. First, consult your doctor to see if there are any contraindications for light therapy.

2. Purchase an incandescent lamp (preferably about 60 watts), as well as a tripod and a flashlight for this lamp.

3. If there are no contraindications, then illuminate the joint affected by osteoarthritis for no more than 10 minutes per session. Note: install the lamp no closer than 20 cm to the surface of the irradiated joint. No more than 2 sessions can be performed per day. In total, one course of treatment is about 20 days.

4. Before the next course of treatment, take a break of at least 30 days.

For greater convenience, it is better to purchase a “Minin” reflector (in the English-speaking environment it is also called a “blue lamp”). The Minin reflector comes with instructions on how to use it in practice.