Plantar fasciitis as a result of ill-fitting shoes

What is plantar fasciitis? It is a degenerative-inflammatory disease of the plantar aponeurosis. Unfortunately, it is a fairly common disease.And a common cause of plantar fasciitis is uncomfortable shoes. The approximate mechanism of plantar fasciitis is as follows: because of uncomfortable shoes, the plantar aponeurosis experiences loads, where microtraumas appear at the aponeurosis at the …

The foot is important, although it seems like a simple part of the body

Any problem with the leg affects walking in one way or another, and a problem with the feet manifests itself in particular. The feet are important for their functions. Among all the functions of the foot, we will highlight three basic ones: 1,, support. The support function of the foot manifests itself when we either …

Some facts that can be considered as some oddities of osteoarthritis (arthrosis).

We, people, in the routine of our daily lives sometimes do not notice obvious things. I believe this can happen to doctors too.In this article, we will consider a number of things related to osteoarthritis (arthrosis), which suggest that the clinical manifestations of arthrosis in some things contradict the theory of the occurrence of arthrosis. …

A regular incandescent lamp as an assistant-healer against osteoarthritis

People have used light to improve their condition since time immemorial. For example, the ancestors of today’s Slavic peoples would undress almost naked and expose themselves to the rising sun when they had a number of illnesses. Professional light therapy has been actively used since the second half of the 19th century. For example, the …

Natural substances on protection for health or how organic sulfur helps reduce pain (hereinafter referred to as “arthrosis pain”) in osteoarthritis.

Pain in osteoarthritis is probably the main symptom that the patient pays attention to. Unfortunately, over time, arthrosis pain only gets worse. Modern medicine recommends using so-called non-specific anti-inflammatory drugs (abbreviated NSAIDs) to reduce arthrosis pain. NSAIDs often have a good effect on pain. However, at the same time, NSAIDs cause many side effects, some …

Benefits of walking for osteoarthritis of the knee joint

It would seem, why should you “torture” your legs with walking if they are already affected by osteoarthritis. Common sense suggests that, on the contrary, you should try to take care of them. And yet, there are many studies showing that moderate and regular walking improves the condition of patients with arthrosis (osteoarthritis) of the …

A simple and effective pain reliever that can be used at home and without a doctor’s prescription.

Pain is a frequent companion of osteoarthritis, so its reduction becomes almost the main task for the patient. Not all patients have a medical education to figure out which drug to prescribe to themselves. And yet, there is one of the few drugs that can be used for pain without fear of any side effects. …

What contribution does inflammation make to the occurrence of pain in osteoarthritis?

When there is pain in osteoarthritis, then in these cases non-specific anti-inflammatory drugs (hereinafter NSAIDs) are often used. But it is well known that NSAIDs relieve pain better if the pain is of an inflammatory nature. In this article, we will try to understand to what extent inflammation contributes to the occurrence of pain, as …

Getting osteoarthritis seems inevitable, but is it really so and can it be avoided? (the article is boring, but necessary)

This article will be useful for those who are under 60, as well as for those who are over 60. Unfortunately, osteoarthritis is “getting younger” every year, so it would not be a bad idea for those who are still quite young to read the article. Every person feels the fullness of life and satisfaction …