Plantar fasciitis as a result of ill-fitting shoes

What is plantar fasciitis? It is a degenerative-inflammatory disease of the plantar aponeurosis. Unfortunately, it is a fairly common disease.And a common cause of plantar fasciitis is uncomfortable shoes. The approximate mechanism of plantar fasciitis is as follows: because of uncomfortable shoes, the plantar aponeurosis experiences loads, where microtraumas appear at the aponeurosis at the attachment points to the bones, which subsequently degenerate and become inflamed. All this initiates pain. There is also an additional risk factor, due to which planetary fasciitis occurs. This is a sharp transition to loads on an “unwarmed up” foot. Nowadays, many people lead a sedentary lifestyle. For example, a programmer sits at a computer all day long, and then there is a need to lift something sharply, and the shoes are uncomfortable. This combination is more likely to damage the plantar aponeurosis.Treatment of the disease. Treatment is best done under the supervision of a doctor.Prevention. To do this: 1. First of all, choose comfortable shoes. Shoes should not be tight. The shoe bed (where the plantar surface of the foot lies) should be elastic. Often, many do not pay attention to the fact that the shoe bed has some bumpiness. Unevenness (i.e. bumpiness) of the shoe bed creates stress points on the aponeurosis, due to which these places of the aponeurosis are injured.In general, be healthy and take care of your feet.

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