Some facts that can be considered as some oddities of osteoarthritis (arthrosis).

We, people, in the routine of our daily lives sometimes do not notice obvious things. I believe this can happen to doctors too.In this article, we will consider a number of things related to osteoarthritis (arthrosis), which suggest that the clinical manifestations of arthrosis in some things contradict the theory of the occurrence of arthrosis. Let’s list some of the reasons that, according to researchers, lead to the formation of osteoarthritis.

Here they are:

  • Excess weight,
  • Age,
  • Injuries,
  • Excessive loads.

It would seem that these reasons are quite logical. In this regard, let’s consider some oddities that are observed with osteoarthritis.

  1. Osteoarthritis (arthrosis) does not always occur in those who are overweight. But osteoarthritis can also occur in those who may be underweight, that is, in fairly thin people.
  2. Osteoarthritis can affect a joint on only one side. For example, in obese people, either the right or left knee joint may be affected by osteoarthritis. Although it is quite natural that both knee joints should be affected, since excess weight in an obese person, according to modern medicine, is one of the causes of arthrosis, and both knee joints should bear the load equally.
  3. Damage to the overlying joint, although the underlying joint logically experiences more load. For example, the knee joint is quite often affected by arthrosis, but the ankle joint is relatively rare, although it is lower in level than the knee joint.
  4. Damage to the arthrosis of the finger joints. At the same time, the finger joints do not bear the gravitational load, as is the case with the joints of the leg.
  5. The presence of severe pain in the affected joint with the external preservation of the joint and, conversely, mild pain when the joint is already severely deformed.
  6. Weak effect from the use of non-specific anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), although it is believed that osteoarthritis has an inflammatory component.
  7. 00. This may sound a bit harsh. But I believe that modern medicine is looking in the wrong direction regarding osteoarthritis: current treatment protocols, unfortunately, do not prevent the progression and complications of arthrosis. Let us wish our medical scientists to be more open to new views and attentive.

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