Bloating as a cause of arterial hypertension

Oddly enough, bloating itself can contribute to high blood pressure. Bloating occurs for a number of reasons. These may include: neuroses; nutritional disorders; gastrointestinal diseases; changes in intestinal microflora; endocrine diseases. Let’s consider how bloating can initiate an increase in blood pressure. Bloating is the formation and accumulation of certain gases in the intestinal cavity as a result of putrefactive fermentation processes. In addition to bloating, edema and spasms may occur in the intestinal walls. Swollen intestinal loops begin to squeeze nearby organs due to accumulated gases. And at times, swollen intestinal loops can reach the kidney area, then it (the “gas” intestine) can mechanically affect the kidneys. And the pressure force of the “gas” intestine can be so strong that it bends the renal artery. At some point, the blood volume may not be enough for the needs of the kidney tissue. Hence, in order for the kidney to be able to receive blood in sufficient volume, then the body begins to increase blood pressure. The physiological phenomenon of increased blood pressure can be seen in this article .

As you may have guessed, if you eliminate bloating, then you can return blood pressure to normal. Well, approximate recommendations on what to do:

  • Find the main cause of bloating.
  • In any case, you will need to adjust your diet
  • It would be a good idea to find a visceral therapist who could massage the abdominal organs.

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