What makes reading in a foreign language useful and how can you make such reading attractive no matter how old you are?(Not about medicine)
Why do people brush their teeth every day, although there is no particular appeal to it? I believe that a person does something on a regular basis when he realizes the importance and usefulness of this action.It is no secret that many of us who study a foreign language, over time, begin to abandon the study of the LANGUAGE. Let’s see how reading can also be attractive to us. Let’s get straight to the point.What can reading in a foreign language give us that is useful:
1,) Mastering the language itself.
2,) “Absorbing” information from the text we read.
3,) Training the brain.
4,) Understanding the culture and mentality of other peoples.
5,) Developing social perspectives.
6,) Access to thematic literature in the language you are studying.
1,) mastering the language. From regular reading, we get used to the language; we comprehend the logic of constructing phrases and using words in certain cases. From frequent reading of similar texts we begin to notice patterns and stereotypes of some phrases. For example: “If condition “A” is fulfilled, then we will get result “B””.
2,) “Absorption” of information from the text we read. It is not for nothing that they say: “You become like the people you hang out with”. We are filled with the information we let in one way or another. Therefore: if you want to know more about economics, read about economics; if you want to know more about hares, read more about hares.
3,) Brain training. Reading texts in a foreign language is quite a difficult task in some cases. Therefore, conscious reading of unfamiliar texts is like learning new skills. And what is the development of a new skill from a physiological point of view? This is the formation of new associative connections between neurons in the brain. This simultaneously trains memory and improves, so to speak, the cognitive “strength” of our consciousness.
4,) understanding the culture and mentality of other peoples. Another language cannot be considered simply as a means of communication between people. Another language can be considered as a certain part of the worldview of the speakers of this language. For example, for sedentary peoples, a horse is characterized by a couple of words, and for nomadic peoples, a horse is almost a whole world with a bunch of gradations.
5,) developing social prospects. Mastering a foreign language gives you more opportunities to get a good job. You have more opportunities to make new acquaintances: both for work and for personal purposes. It allows you to better adapt in those countries where the speakers of the language you are studying live and where you went as a tourist.
6,) access to thematic literature in the language you are studying. This quality is most useful for specialists of different professions. For example, for doctors, engineers, designers and others.
How to implement all this in practice?
A. For the young. Youth is characterized by ambition, prospects, setting big goals. If you as a young person have nevertheless decided to study a foreign language, then it is better to combine business with pleasure. For example, you are studying to be a programmer. You can do it this way: get hold of several books on programming and read the chapters that are most interesting and useful to you in your opinion. You will master the language and learn about programming (at least something will stick in your head). Interest is a good motivator: in this case, there is a very small chance that you will give up reading.
B. For the elderly. Old age is, unfortunately, also a high probability that a person already has some diseases. If an elderly person is studying a foreign language, then why shouldn’t he read medical literature on a specific disease in the language he is studying?! Double benefit. In general, approximate guidelines are given. Go for it.